NICO PROJECT为NPO法人青少年自助中心(总部位于日本东京都福生市)运营的项目,至1960年以来已帮助许多名逃学和闭门不出的儿童、青少年解决问题。 自助中心下设的常住外国人子弟辅导业务部自2010年开始运营“YSC国际日语培训学校”,面向非日语母语儿童、青少年实施日语辅导。迄今为止,已向18个国家约400名儿童与青少年提供了专业日语辅导课程,学校课程辅导及升学辅导等。
Name of Organization | Non Profit Organization Youth Support Center |
Date of Establishment | September 6, 1999 |
Head office | 2351-1, Fussa, Fussa city, Tokyo 1970011 Japan | | |
Official web site | |
Our mission | To support children and youth who are facing difficulties in our society. To keep supporting them until they earn freedom and happiness. To keep supporting them until they become independent. |